Thursday, April 13, 2017

Mobile Madness 1 05 apk download

Mobile Madness 1 05 apk download

Yeah, so whoever the UX person is behind the Windows Mobile version OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog, they need to reevaluate their career choice. Heres a screen shot of these beauties in action:

save open

What the hell is with the OpenFileDialog? You cant browse through the file system to find what you want. You gotta bust out the stylus (problem #1) and search for the file. And even then it has to be in the path of your My Documents folder (problem #2).

I try to avoid these dialogs like the plague, but finally ended up needing an OpenFileDialog. I ended up writing my own out of principle:


Dont get me wrong, this isnt the end all be all of Windows Mobile OpenFileDialogs, but it is infinitely better than the stock version. It works basically like the standard OpenFileDialog:

  1. Create an instance.
  2. Set a filter if need be.
  3. Set the initial directory if need be.
  4. ShowDialog

I still want to tweak it a bit more so that the fonts and such are all customizable via the developer, and eventually write a SaveFileDialog (probably just throw a TextBox at the bottom). But this will do for now; you can download the assemblies for the Windows Mobile OpenFileDialog here. Youll need to deploy all the assemblies to use it, but the type in particular you should be interested in is WindowsMobile.CommonDialogs.OpenFileDialog.

Go to link for download