Sunday, April 23, 2017

WWE HD download videos

WWE HD download videos


Category: Strategy

  • WilliamWilliam Cunningham
    Great game but Ive completed the beat boy mission hundreds of times in different ways and it doesnt recognized that Ive done it
  • EdgarEdgar Marruffo
    Amazing game but Needs a fit on controlling where you want to go. Like sometimes it doesnt work so you have to try swiping like 3 to 4 times and when your on the flash run and your trying to tap or slide it doesnt work all that good. And it would be cool if you made some way where you collect the abilities and you can change them on your figs cause i have a few favorites but they arent as good or have the good abilities i would like them to
  • TreyTrey Singleton
    Reset I had 63 characters unlocked with one tournament to beat and I closed the app and when I came back the data had reset will rate 5 stars if fixed
  • MegaEnderBenMegaEnderBen
    Amazing but needs more If you added more 10 tournaments and 5x the amount of figures then I would give it 5000000 star rating and PLEASSSSSSSS ADD PVP
  • ArioArio Bramasto
    Pokemon style RPG with a twist Bought this game because its created by the same dev as attack of the light. Gameplay similar to pokemon but with a twist, quite enjoyable. Two things that annoy me, and it mostly performance issues: 1. loading time is awfully long 2. for not so graphically intense game, it causes my phone to heating up fast. Aside from that issues, it is a solid RPG and more importantly no IAPs
  • TheThe Illusion
    Thank you This game is awesome and so Tim consuming. Also question, does the game save I got a new phone and Im wondering if my progress will transfer if I sing in with my google acount on the other phone plz reply thnx
  • CC Turk
    Refuses to install At 89% of the download, it stalls up, then after about a minute it continues. After it finishes, it starts installing then pops up an insufficient space box. There is plenty of space on my tablet, so any suggestions or help will change the rating.
  • AdrielAdriel Velazquez
    Awesome Teen Titans RPG Could use some better movement controls but other than that, a solid game.
  • KarlKarl Markus Vaga
    Soooooo Awesmazing!!!! Awesome + Amazing I just cant stop playing it!!! Its my favourite app so far!!

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