Saturday, April 22, 2017
20 Android Games You Should Download To Your Phone
20 Android Games You Should Download To Your Phone
Hello everyone , Today I wanna share a FINAL UPDATE for ZenTouch Custom ROM, As usual before I begin , I hope that you guys can press the THANKS button on this XDA Thread . Thank You So Much.

Preview of ZenTouch Final , You may have seen this before :)
Full Changelogs V1 - Final Version.
ZenTouch ROM v1:
* Rooted
* Deodexed
* Zipalign system Apk
* Bloatware Removed
* Disabled signature apps
* Asus Calculator
* Asus Deskclock
* Asus Voice Recorder
* Asus Gallery
* Asus Launcher
* Asus Browser
* Asus Music Player
* Asus File Manager
* Asus Calendar
* Asus Do it later
* Redesign System Icon To Asus Icon
* Asus Theme Settings (LookALike)
* Statusbar Contextual Header
* Redesign UI to Touchwiz look (LookAlike)
* 13 Battery Style
* Font Chooser
* Customizable Statusbar Clock
* Network Speed (0.00K/s)
* AutoStarts
* Lollipop Platlogo and Games
* Google Camera
* Asus Boot Animations.
* Fix External Storage
* Faster Sdcard Read Speed
* Custom Tweaks Installed
* Build.prop tweaks
* Statusbar tinted without any app
* Intergrated Usefull Apps.
* Explore Yourself ^_^
* Deodexed
* Zipalign system Apk
* Bloatware Removed
* Disabled signature apps
* Asus Calculator
* Asus Deskclock
* Asus Voice Recorder
* Asus Gallery
* Asus Launcher
* Asus Browser
* Asus Music Player
* Asus File Manager
* Asus Calendar
* Asus Do it later
* Redesign System Icon To Asus Icon
* Asus Theme Settings (LookALike)
* Statusbar Contextual Header
* Redesign UI to Touchwiz look (LookAlike)
* 13 Battery Style
* Font Chooser
* Customizable Statusbar Clock
* Network Speed (0.00K/s)
* AutoStarts
* Lollipop Platlogo and Games
* Google Camera
* Asus Boot Animations.
* Fix External Storage
* Faster Sdcard Read Speed
* Custom Tweaks Installed
* Build.prop tweaks
* Statusbar tinted without any app
* Intergrated Usefull Apps.
* Explore Yourself ^_^
ZenTouch V2:
*Fix Reboot (Working so hard)
*Fix Battery Style FC
*Fix dialler force close
*Fix GMSCore
*Remove Link2SD,Greenify and some bloatware
*Remove 0.00kb/s on statusbar
*L icon
*New Asus Launcher
*Other improvement and fix minor bugs
New Goodies
*Added ZenStyle
*ReStyle Framework for more Touchwiz Look-A-Like (Inspired by MINIROM)
*Added Battery Bar
*Added Some apps for tinted
*Added Mi-Pop
*Added Gradient-Header Style
*Added Carbon Network Traffic
*Added Notification Panel Background
*Explore Yourself ^_^
*Fix Battery Style FC
*Fix dialler force close
*Fix GMSCore
*Remove Link2SD,Greenify and some bloatware
*Remove 0.00kb/s on statusbar
*L icon
*New Asus Launcher
*Other improvement and fix minor bugs
New Goodies
*Added ZenStyle
*ReStyle Framework for more Touchwiz Look-A-Like (Inspired by MINIROM)
*Added Battery Bar
*Added Some apps for tinted
*Added Mi-Pop
*Added Gradient-Header Style
*Added Carbon Network Traffic
*Added Notification Panel Background
*Explore Yourself ^_^
ZenTouch Final :
*Fix auto reboot when installing busybox
*Fix LockScreen Wallpaper
*Fix Contacts
*Fix Phone
*Fix Init.d support while using Universal Init.d app
*Fix Google Play Service not responding
*Asus Launcher fix
*Fix Network Traffic
*Fix Camera Shortcut on Lockscreen
*Fix Store camera pictures on extSdcard
*Other improvement and fix minor bugs
*Changes Zen Icon
*Remove padding left and right on SystemUI
New Goodies:
Asus Apps Update
Lollipop Asus Apps (Port From Zenfone 2)
Reorganized Settings
Clean UI
Remodified Framework
List View Animation
System App Remover
Dinamic Statusbar (Tinted all Apps without third party apps)
Aokp Weather on LockScreen
Low Battery Warning
Card Stack Recent (Wanna be)
Network Traffic Meter ChaOus and Thinking Bridge
Multiwindow sidebar
Build.prop tweaks
Explore it Yourself (^_^)
*Fix LockScreen Wallpaper
*Fix Contacts
*Fix Phone
*Fix Init.d support while using Universal Init.d app
*Fix Google Play Service not responding
*Asus Launcher fix
*Fix Network Traffic
*Fix Camera Shortcut on Lockscreen
*Fix Store camera pictures on extSdcard
*Other improvement and fix minor bugs
*Changes Zen Icon
*Remove padding left and right on SystemUI
New Goodies:
Asus Apps Update
Lollipop Asus Apps (Port From Zenfone 2)
Reorganized Settings
Clean UI
Remodified Framework
List View Animation
System App Remover
Dinamic Statusbar (Tinted all Apps without third party apps)
Aokp Weather on LockScreen
Low Battery Warning
Card Stack Recent (Wanna be)
Network Traffic Meter ChaOus and Thinking Bridge
Multiwindow sidebar
Build.prop tweaks
Explore it Yourself (^_^)
Requirements :
Custom Recovery (CWM/TWRP) Installed
BACKUPS (Please backups your data /contacts/messaging/apps/etc) to avoid loss data
BACKUPS (Please backups your data /contacts/messaging/apps/etc) to avoid loss data
(Please do not reupload/mirror links without permissions)
How to install ? Update From Previous version or install from Stock ROM follow this steps
*Boot Into Recovery Mode
*Install zip from sdcard
*Choose Zip From SdCard
*Locate the and choose yes to confirm
*After installation has been complete, Head into advance and choose wipe dalvik cache
*Reboot system now and be patient for ZenTouch ROM install on your Galaxy V.
*Install zip from sdcard
*Choose Zip From SdCard
*Locate the and choose yes to confirm
*After installation has been complete, Head into advance and choose wipe dalvik cache
*Reboot system now and be patient for ZenTouch ROM install on your Galaxy V.
Video Tutorials :
How To Install ZenTouch ROM All Versions
Only do a wipe data when you just backup your data
Highly recommend to install it from fresh Stock ROM.
If you want to activate navigation bar, go to your build.prop and look for this line qemu.hw.mainkeys=1 change the value to 0 if you want to enable navigation barHighly recommend to install it from fresh Stock ROM.
Known Bugs
-DroidBuster force close
How to fix ? Go to system/priv-app using any root browser and find DroidBuster app and cut/move that app into your storage and install it as normal Apk. Thats it now you have fix that bugs
-File Manager force close when trying to extract something ?
That File Manager has been port from Zenfone 5 , So wherever its name "PORT" , You must remember , Not functions are working perfectly
-Asus Launcher force close?
How to fix ? Swipe down your notification and press the shortcut key to settings, In settings go to Application Manager, Swipe to the right until you find "All" Tabs, And find Asus Launcher , choose clear data and cache. Congratulations you have succesfully fix that bugs
White on white text on several little part on Settings, Thats not a big issues
How to fix ? Go to system/priv-app using any root browser and find DroidBuster app and cut/move that app into your storage and install it as normal Apk. Thats it now you have fix that bugs
-File Manager force close when trying to extract something ?
That File Manager has been port from Zenfone 5 , So wherever its name "PORT" , You must remember , Not functions are working perfectly
-Asus Launcher force close?
How to fix ? Swipe down your notification and press the shortcut key to settings, In settings go to Application Manager, Swipe to the right until you find "All" Tabs, And find Asus Launcher , choose clear data and cache. Congratulations you have succesfully fix that bugs
White on white text on several little part on Settings, Thats not a big issues
Special Thanks to :
Allah and Nabi Muhammad s.a.w
Credits :
Hyekal HiTech
Awe Sobat Madridista
Ariv Rivaldi
Android Archive
Eboy Basit
Wahyudin Eka Rahayu
Ulin Nuha
Nopi Yanto
Bang Bagger
Aditya Candra
Xda Developers
Group Mediatek Android Art And Dev
Group Oprek Galaxy Y S5360
Group Evercross
Credits :
Hyekal HiTech
Awe Sobat Madridista
Ariv Rivaldi
Android Archive
Eboy Basit
Wahyudin Eka Rahayu
Ulin Nuha
Nopi Yanto
Bang Bagger
Aditya Candra
Xda Developers
Group Mediatek Android Art And Dev
Group Oprek Galaxy Y S5360
Group Evercross
Thats all for this post. I hope you guys enjoy and like it , Feel free to comment below if you got any questions, Also on our Facebook Page. Enjoy your ZenTouch ROM :)
Go to link for download