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Trackmania 2 Canyon Free Download Pc game

TrackMania 2: Canyon features gameplay similar to that of previous games in the series. The player can race on various tracks, with the ability to do stunts in various modes, including a championship and a cooperative mode.The track editor from previous games also returned. A new "ManiaScript" is being created to help players add new features in the game. TrackMania 2: Canyon includes a single new environment for the series: Canyon. At the moment TrackMania 2: Canyon features 2 official gameplay modes: Race and Platform.
Developer(s) Nadeo
Publisher(s) Ubisoft

System Requirement
System= Pentium IV CPU 1.8 GHzRAM= 1 GB
Size= 1.43 GB
Video Memory= 256 MB
OS= Windows XP (SP3), Vista, 7 and Windows
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